Friday, September 23, 2005 ;
9/23/2005 11:53:00 PM
Guess who I saw?? I saw EZann LEE at HAagen Daz Esplanade today.....somemore she acknowledged me.... I wonder if she really remember seeing me before or she thinks that I am a fan...... hmmm...hopefully it is the former but most probably for the wrong reason like taking video footage of her in school etc.... sigh...

i am fainting...



*out cold*................

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, September 22, 2005 ;
9/22/2005 11:05:00 PM
Spent the morning sleeping before surfing the net for LMS project... That's when Gene msn me to accompany her to IMM, and since I haven't met her for ages, so it seemed like a nice way to catch up with her... Met her at Aljunied MRT but I was late as usual.. but thankfully, she is okay with it.. haha... went to IMM bought some clothes from Giordano (since it is still her birthday week, got discount mah..) before leaving to meet up with the floorball chill out committee for the movie "Be with me".. haha.. today's committee are namely, Serene, Eljin, Jessie, Adrian, Sally, Alvin, Jiaming..and of course ME!!!
WEll, the movie isn't all that bad... if you have this mindset that the movie is meant to have a deeper meaning to it...furthermore there is Samantha tan and her boodangdangs and of course the ever love-able Ezann Lee... sigh.. if only i've gotten to know her better...
The night sort of tide down after that as we all adjourned back home after that...

Yawnz.. *dreaming of her already*

J'amore mon cherie

9/22/2005 12:56:00 AM
Welcome to Kev and his screwed up life........!!!!!!!!!

J'amore mon cherie

9/22/2005 12:02:00 AM
I've not been blogging for ages, and i was quite bored about doing it but until today, one kind soul actually told me that my analogies were quite interesting and i should do it often.. furthermore, there has been things going on in my screwed up life that i think i should voice out to make myself feel better... so please endure my nonsense as I will blog some stewpit stuff that had gone in my life....


J'amore mon cherie

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 ;
9/21/2005 12:26:00 AM
Was feeling rather bored on a tuesday evening.. so I jio Jessie and Serene to chill out.. thus we headed out to Grapevine to unwind... Overall, i can say that I like the place and I dun mind going back there again but maybe this time round I will try the beer or something else instead of the mango smoothie which was too pure for my liking and I would have the baked rice again.. oh yah.. I would also have cheesecake instead of the banana jump... OH YAH... dun order from the guy waiter ( the shorter one), cuz he really doesn't know anything... and OOOH YYYAHH..the lady waiter at Grapevine is quite pretty.. but think she will need to work out to look damn good..
SO from the OH yahs that I've been saying, you can see that i really want to go back...haha...thus be prepared that I would ask anybody that I know to join me there again...

SOrry for the lousy grammer...

J'amore mon cherie

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 ;
9/20/2005 12:06:00 AM
Some things happened to me and I keep up with a new analogy for why people within a big group such as a class likes to gossip about a girl and a guy when one likes the other.... the issue is that the girl and the guy are usually the stocks in the stock exchange and it is rumoured that one company is going to buy over the other company (guy likes girl or vice versa), investors or speculators will start buyin shares in bid to earn some profit.. This situation is much like people who are in the class but are not involved... and they will start making fun of the guy or the girl, gossip and usually it gets out of hand.
Relating this back to the stock exchange, the price of the stocks will continue to rise and normally becomes overvalued due to the immense speculation... Usually this will come with a dip in the price of the stocks soon after as the news starts to die off and whether if both company merge or gets bought over, will have to depend on the bidding company already...
Besides that, sometimes in the stock market, there are always companies who are able to take over a company with ease and sometimes there are some who start bidding for the company but pulls out the last minute... And do you know why that happens?
WELL.. that you will have to thank the insiders' information provided by those people who are close to the company such as the employees etc.. Furthermore, there are the public listed companies and the privately owned... where the public listed companies are the single and available girls and the privately owned are girls with husbands or boyfriends or just not interested in being tied down... but then anything can happen and you will see the privately owned companies handing out IPOs (Initial Public Offering) for people to take up... haha.. if not, if you have far-sight or insiders' info.. you could always get placement share in those companies that are currently not trading and hope for the best... well guess that's about it that i can think of....
Till next time..

J'amore mon cherie

Friday, September 16, 2005 ;
9/16/2005 12:39:00 AM

Recruitment booth Posted by Picasa

Here's the collage of the pictures taken with my Samsung E760.. NOt bad right?? Well if you are wondering who the Scream guy is.. it is none other than me.. doing my leetle part for the recruitment.. well, even though we didn't win the best booth competition, but we managed to hit more than our target to get the number of girls and guys for our club... So all's good... lalalala

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, September 08, 2005 ;
9/08/2005 10:01:00 AM
Let Your Fingers do the Talking!

The length of the fingers supposedly reveals much about your character.

A long-fingered person is analytical and academic, liking to study things in detail.
A short-fingered person is very practical and intuitive, liking to go with their gut instinct.
Proportionate Hands show a balanced personality.

The proportion of the fingers in relation to each other is very important. They each stand for a character marking and indicate the strength of that quality:

Forefinger: Confidence, ego, ambition, drive.
Middle finger: Discipline, balance.
Ring finger: Emotional expression, creativity.
Little finger: Communication.

A balanced ego - when the forefinger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
Balanced emotions - when the ring finger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

Great confidence - when the fore finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

Very emotional and creative - when the ring finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

A lack of confidence - when the fore finger doesn’t reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

Blocked emotions - when the ring finger doesn’t reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.

When the middle finger is prominent, standing out from the rest, it shows a serious and intense nature.

When the little finger stands out naturally from your hand it shows an independent and outspoken nature.

Rings on the fingers can indicate your inner character.

Forefinger: Too ambitious, need to enhance your ego.
Middle finger: Materialistic nature.
Ring finger: This is conventional and is only noted if there are multiple or large rings adorning it. If this is the case then emotional or creative frustration could be present.
Little finger: It is common to see this in the gay community. Or it could point to difficulties in sexual expression.
Many rings on the hand: shows somebody who is wearing emotional armour and is relying on outer things for their wellbeing.

J'amore mon cherie

the one and only ;
je suis kevin.
vingt-cinq, 270782
Aspiring millionaire
Montfortian, Marist, SRJCian, 46SAR, SIM, RMIT
Singtel, Haagen Daz,Starhub, IBM

Chill out take things easy;
Set your objectives and strive towards it
To all the wonderful things in life

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