Monday, June 27, 2005 ;
6/27/2005 02:22:00 PM
1. PSP + memory cards
2. Hi-fi set for my room
3. Digital SLR camera or a digital camera with at least 4mbp and 8x optical zoom
4. a sturdy mountain bike with suspension
5. a PC for my room
7. a new laptop

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, June 23, 2005 ;
6/23/2005 12:48:00 PM
Just came across this blog just now. Even though I am 6 months late, my condolences to her loved ones....

To me, I feel that of her 32 years, she had lead a fruitful life, being able to make an impact on so many people all around the world, just by sharing her final ten days... After reading her entries, she shown me that life is so fragile and at anytime or any place, it can be replaced or visited by Death. At this very moment, all i can think of is to cherish my life and the accompany of my loved ones and friends... The phrase,"living life to its fullest" just keeps echoing on the back of my mind...and Somehow I feel that I have been taking life for granted...

However, I know I am having these emotions at the spur of moment due to her blog entries.... really wonder if I would feel the same after a few days, weeks, or months....

Anyway, here's the link: Grace Chow

Do take a look if you have been taking life for granted...

J'amore mon cherie

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 ;
6/21/2005 11:45:00 AM
Yeap.. everybody should catch Mr and Mrs Smith... it is worth your everyone of your $7 dollars... I said $7 not $9.50...

Yes I just catched my first movie after a month and I am very satisfied with the movie... but then again it might be the company I was with... haha.. Thanks for a wunderful time, Jess! Stewpit yet funny things just happen to both of us when we hang out...such as :
1. mistaking me as a pervertic uncle staring at her as I was driving my aunt's van
2. The van dying in the middle of the road and the carpark as I was too kan cheong with the gear change
3. the usual awkward silence that we get when we see our friends (we always happen to see people we know when we are out)
4. buying a milk shake and a large ice milk tea from mos burger when we are not allowed to bring them into the cinema (try finishing that in 5 min lor...brrrr.. brain freeze)
5. Jess almost falling off the escalator
6. Me 'drooling' over her
7. Jess 'drooling' over brad pitt and angelina jolie
8. Jess asking why G2000 ladies only sell ladies apparel
9. Jess doing her hair using the lift when the lift door open...

Bottomline.. it was fun.. I had fun.. think she did too..
So do go catch it....

J'amore mon cherie

Monday, June 20, 2005 ;
6/20/2005 11:17:00 AM
Guess it has been a couple of days since I last blogged... nothing interesting has happened.. and I have been really busy since last thursday's CommunicAsia...

Here's a short summary:
Tuesday - lunch time went to book the accomdation N airtickets package.. 4D3N to Bangkok for $255.. cheap right...hehehe
Wednesday - CommunicAsia
Thursday - Met up with Stella to go Bala clava. She was peeved with Arthur over something.. can remember what.. by the number of arguments they have, I really wonder how are they going to cool down living under the same roof next year.. Anyway, Bala Clava was full so ended up chatting at starbucks.. oh yah also met gladys and her friend as she came down to talk to stella.
Friday- Played Pool with ryan. Got to meet up with Kelvin Guo (My sec sch classmate) and Adrian Li (my primary sch classmate) as they know ryan...(they are sch mates in AJC).. the world is so darn small ah..
Saturday- Woke up darn early to do my passport, rush down to meet SZY, robin and Jit tong for soccer at NUS.. but everybody was late... Had Macdonald's while waiting for them.. was surprise to know that NUS actually have Mac's.. but it is well hidden if you are unfamiliar with the place.. Anyway, din get to play much as we have not enough people, crash in with some other people's team instead... Went back hom around 2pm, got some shuteye and it was off to Newsroom bar with Nic and Jian ling.. it was darn boring.. played pool (which I lost 2 sets, so malu. Was off form.) and drank a couple of beers before leaving for supper around 1am.
Sunday - woke up around 830am to go for Floorball training... It was really energy sapping but a wonderful workout.. furthermore we are getting trained by the singapore national coach for floorball so there should not be any complaints ya... met the floorball members for lunch... coincidentally one of the members was down and admitted to hospital and guess what I know this guy.. Don Wong (my sec sch mate)... the world is a darn small place i tell u.. esp in singapore.. so I went to visit him before rushing back to celebrate Father's day...

A very packed week huh...

well Think i better start saving up then...

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, June 16, 2005 ;
6/16/2005 10:42:00 AM
Whoopie... went to Com asia yesterday with my colleagues.. it was a rather tiring experience.. a lot of girls strutting the mobile phone wares around... saw some pretty girls at siemens and panasonic... SE as well samsung and hua wei were a bummer... no much eye-candy... but din really get to have a good look at them because I was with my female colleagues...

I think I am quite a coward when it comes to public display of "lecher-ness".. haha.. brought my camera thinking i will be taking photos of cool gadgets, star wars figures and of course pretty babes.. but I din do that.. maybe i was with female colleagues so I was a bit afraid to go around taking photos and secondly.. there is too many people around, was quite frustrated....

Next time.. perhaps..

ANyway, there is really nothing much to see over there lor... most of the phones on display, I have seen them, played with the phones and left them one corner... Instead I just can't wait for them to bring in those phones they have on the brochures... SAmsung has a new batch of phones that are rather to my liking...

Oh yah.. saw the hypocrite uncle there.. and had no choice and made small talk with him... hopeless case (I am referring to myself)

nevertheless, it din really spoil my day, just felt a bit tired and went back home to have a nice bath before rushing for french class which is interesting... haha.. so fun to learn new langauge.

Comment vous appellez vour? = what is your name?
(Korh-mong voo zar-per-lay voo)

Je m'appelle Kevin = My name is Kevin.

Comment allez vous? = How are you?
(Korh-mong tah-lay voo)

haha.. just for fun... got to go...

Bonne Journee.. = have a nice day...

J'amore mon cherie

Friday, June 03, 2005 ;
6/03/2005 10:21:00 AM
Haha.. finally got onto Wenz's nerves... Wrote her a B-E-A-uitful letter.. I wonder if I should write to Dawn as well but she has been quite MIA for the past month... hmmm....
Anyway, yesterday was a great day for me... spent the entire day reading Naruto Manga online... sure is a cheap way to read comics huh.. I found a new site if you are a Naturo fan because Degree Anime was down for the past few days.... You can find the site at my links ya...?

OH well, you must be wondering why soccer is therapeutic right? Had my weekly soccer game yesterday against the uncles. Seriously a couple of them are really super hypocrites who are so bad at acting...

Here are some scenarios....
Scenario 1:
Ball meant to pass to my team mate over at the flank.. Another Team mate got in the way, kenna winded by me

Hypocrite Uncle (act smart) : Eh... Don't pass so hard to your team mate when they are so near lar.. relax..lar

However, it was obvious that it was the intended pass was not to the winded team mate. He just happened to get in the way

Scenario 2:
Hypocrite Uncle to Me: Hey, don't kick the ball so hard can a not... Relax ya... No need to be so aggressive...

1st Fact: His team started ramming at my defender first. An eye for an eye.
2nd Fact: He has been attacking everybody's ankle when he tackles. Shoulder barging and arm pulling...Talk about aggressive huh.. BS right..?

Scenario 3:
Team mate on the way to score. Open goal. Hypocrite Uncle come from behind and shoulder barge my team mate.. Clear foul..

Tema mate: WTF.. $*%(&*^# (can really remember what he said but I know he was unhappy about the foul)

Hypocrite Uncle denies and goes into denial..

Scenario 4:
During the whole game, Hypocrite Uncle keep making comments on our team with "nice Try", "nice shot" and "good pass" when the ball is kicked out or the pass did not reach the intended players..

Seriously, just SHUT UP... we dun need a coach or commentator for our team..

I was so pissed off with his nonsense that I was everywhere. I make sure my shots were hard ones and my tackles are legal but tough and aggressive.. Was quite satisfied with my performance and some more I got to score the last goal with a half volley off the post... Almost unstoppable unless you want a concussion or a bruise on your body.. It was a good workout... and it lets me forget my frustrations and at times vent my frustrations... WooHOO....

well that's about sums it up...

Now to bore everybody
Cereal with milk
Curry Chicken Katsu Set (the one that the powerpuff girls brought me to eat)
Rice with Salmon head and cola marinated chicken wings and curry soaked potatoes

One hour of soccer...

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, June 02, 2005 ;
6/02/2005 11:42:00 AM
Hmm... went for the second interview conducted by Prudential after work yesterday... With a hour of explanation by the financial services director, and a couple of questions posed by me... My enthusiasm for the job sort of dwindled due to the way this guy presented, he was too pushy or too bent on getting me to sign on to the job...This actually cause me to be wary about what actually this jobs entails... Really lost.. wonder if i should join or not.... Sounds like easy money
Couldn't find some experienced advice as my aunts and parents are away on holiday.... how I wish I could get some decent advice..
Well, called Ming and talked to him since he is in the business. After talking to him, my interest in the job dwindled even further... His view was that this is a commitment job where you have to stayed at this job for a long time since your eventual clients trust you thus they sign their policies with you.. which I find is exactly true... Furthermore, he also said that this jobs has a hude vicious cycle, why the huge recruitment is partly due to the lack of new leads from the older staff thus targeting undergraduates who is coming out to work, provides a better platform..
I somehow believe that I should be able to make it in this line for the 1st year or so but I know myself very well that I would want to switch after some time as this job would not provide me the satisfaction I want... I dun envisioned myself doing sales the whole time and furthermore working in the financial services industry...
Dilemma of having easy money or working your socks off to make a decent living...?

Guess I will have to ponder about it myself (since my confidants are away overseas or busy with work) even though I would appreciate if there were more views.... got to reply them by this coming Sat..

*I know nobody is interested in what I eat everyday but I'm just trying to remind myself*
Cereal with milk
Chicken rice
Rice with some vege, mainly loaded with meat

Exercise: Nil
Spent too much time @ prudential

J'amore mon cherie

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 ;
6/01/2005 10:25:00 AM
Nothin much going yesterday, spent the whole day testing phone and reading Naruto online.. I am totally addicted.. BUt guess what the website is down today.. I'm going crazy trying to access the site.... arghhh... anyway, I spent the whole of yesterday evening, jogging followed by Naruto on PS2 the whole day.. See i told u I am going crazy over Naruto... guess the comic distributors are going to earn some money from me.. *ka ching*
Today should be a rather short day for me cuz I'm have to rush off to meet the HR exec from Prudential again on the prospect of me joining their company. Yeah.. I'm flattered about the interest but somehow I feel it is some gimmick or scheme to make me join.... damn.
Anyway, I need to get back testing my manga site.... byez

Cereal with milk
Vegetable rice
Big bowl of rice with salmon fish head, vegetables and 4 cola marinated chicken wings

30min jog around the estate

J'amore mon cherie

the one and only ;
je suis kevin.
vingt-cinq, 270782
Aspiring millionaire
Montfortian, Marist, SRJCian, 46SAR, SIM, RMIT
Singtel, Haagen Daz,Starhub, IBM

Chill out take things easy;
Set your objectives and strive towards it
To all the wonderful things in life

tagboard ;

Favorites ;
Island to yourself
Real Radib

kudos to my friends;
Marvelle| Wagging Tongues
Fred&ChingYan| Fred and Chingz in the States

so yesterdays ;
January 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
March 2006
May 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007