Tuesday, May 31, 2005 ;
5/31/2005 10:35:00 AM
Was late for work today.. came in at ten but guess it's okay since it is non-peak season at starhub for me... Anyway, I had yogilates class yesterday evening... guess the instructor decided to up her level and most of the people in the class(actually everybody) had a gruelling time keeping to some positions.. WOOooo. stretch here.. stretch there.. somehow it was rather shiok for me ... guess there are some positions that we dun often find ourselves in thus getting to stretch certain areas gives a rather comforting feeling. Well.. today's a rather short entry.. nth to write....

Oh yah if you are interested in learning basic Korean you can go to the link below k... It's free somemore..

Introduction to Korean

Ban Mian
2 bowls of rice with sausages and vege and a few slices of salmon


J'amore mon cherie

Monday, May 30, 2005 ;
5/30/2005 10:11:00 AM

my Cute nephew, mervin Posted by Hello

J'amore mon cherie

5/30/2005 10:02:00 AM
Meals on Friday:
Vegetable rice
Leftovers (Porridge, vegetables and eggs)
watermelon for dessert

2 and half hour of basketball

Meals on Sat:
Skipped Breakfast
Had a McChicken value Meal for lunch
Ate a Shrooms Meal + 1 more Shrooms burger for Early Dinner (5pm)

1 and half hour of Soccer

Meals on Sunday:
2 bowls of cereal and a instant noodles for breakfast
2 packet of instant noodles for lunch
Had Minced Pork noodles for dinner

Half hour of gym

J'amore mon cherie

5/30/2005 09:18:00 AM
Spent my fridays and weekends rushing here and there.. felt it was rather hectic but fruitful....
Worked on Friday and rushed off early to play bball w Nic and his NUS bball frens. It was a totally fast paced, non-stop game man.. maybe it was because I haven't played for quite some time (8mths?) or maybe i'm just out of their league.. Everybody was too fast too furious.. More importantly, it showed me that I am badly out of shape and my exercise regime is too lousy to get me back to fitness.. We played from 7.30pm till 10pm when it was lights off and I had to rush home to get recharge so that I will be able to do the role of designated driver for the night cuz my parents and aunts and friends are going for a week long holiday to Yunnan and the flight was @ 1am.
No hugs and tears of course but just a couple of nice good byes to my parents and co. before my brother and I head home to get some sleep......

Lights off @ 3am.

"Hello...", Kev said.
"Are you coming?", Zy said.
"Coming?....", Kev replied, still dazed.. 5,4,3,2,1....
"Oh shit!!!... okok I'm on my way....!", Kev screamed, jumping out of bed..

Totally forgot that I had a soccer game in the morning... and I was late by 9.30am... Reached there in 15min as Dad's car is available... However, a packed day looms ahead......
Played soccer but it was as though I wasn't there.. was too lethargic to even chase after the ball.. got scolded by SZY for my lack of motivation, apologised but still underperform.. Was quite disappointed with myself...

*3 of my favorite sports: basketball, soccer and pool. I am underperforming for 2 of them..arghh*

But maybe the guys I am playing against are just above my league??

*Ya.. I know I am just consoling myself.. Got to work harder*

Anyway, soccer ended, borrowed szy's shower before I changed to rush off for a career talk from Pathfinders under Prudential.. Forgot y qualifications and the address of the place thus I had to rush back home to get them which defeat the purpose of borrowing szy's shower... Well was late for the appointment for half an hour... after the interview, found that I had nothing better to do and it was only 2pm, I decided to meet up with Fred since he wanted me to accompany him to some business talk....
Picked him up and head for the talk which I found out is another Prudential company during to get more people to join their company as financial planners.. Damn, aren't they aggessive? seriously.. It is so easy for them to make money like they said?? I mean one subsidiary of Prudential has about 300-400 financial planners under them. I saw about eight of such companies at the place where I had my interview and 3 of such companies at Sing Post Building.... You do maths... that's about 3000 to 4000 financial planners from Prudential alone and they are hiring more people? Where got market? Somemore there are other big insurance or financial service companies around... like Manulife, Aviva, GE etc... It is not going to be easy lor...
Well, I would have actually strangled Fred for bringing to another Prudential talk but the plus point about that seminar was that they invited Adam Khoo to speak and share his ideas about how to be rich or make it towards financial freedom. Heard about him so often and this time round finally get to meet him. He looks normal with 3 adjectives to describe him; Motivated, Intelligent, normal.... So what makes him such a successful entrepreneur? well he said that to succeed, we should have goals, a plan, a proper strategy and suitable action, in order to have a thriving business. Don't we learn all this in business management? To me, I felt that components like this are neccessary but the issue is that do we have that components within ourselves? if not, where can we acquire them? and how much do we need to fork out to acquire them? can we afford them in the first place?
The bottomline I feel is capital. and where can we get them? well, it depends. As Mok (my finance lecturer) says you just need one of this elements. They are either FIR, GIR, WIR etc... FIR= father is rich
GIR = girlfriend is rich
WIR = wife is rich
so long as you have strong financial support... =P

Shitt... write too long already.. to make things short... Saturday ended off with me heading home after sending Fred home.. was suppose to go and celebrate Marv's birthday but I was too shacked to wake up.. Knocked off @ 9pm and woke up at 9am the next day....

Sunday was quite relaxed.. It was just meeting Fred at the comics shop in the afternoon followed by a half hour gym session and then dinner. Since he loaned me his PS2, we continued to play games over at my place until he had to go home to meet Chingyan and back to NTU for a kids camp...

J'amore mon cherie

Friday, May 27, 2005 ;
5/27/2005 02:53:00 PM
Just read on the comments on 2 people's comment on singapore guys been whims.. Seriously, does it really matter that much? I mean offended by their sweeping remarks I am (Yoda's trademark), but on a personal perspective, it doesn't really matter. I wouldn't give 2 hoots about Mr Y's preferences for girls and foreigners as well as Miss CZZ's expectations on Singapore guys. We are just not related. With this much publicity, it just makes it a more interesting and debatable topic during lunch and tea breaks. We should actually thank them and the journalist for such an intriguing topic which makes small talk a little bit more interesting. Hopefully, the spotlighted people don't get too pig-headed with their new found "popularity"....

Are You A "Whining Singapore Boy"?

Anyway, I am one.. So what..?

J'amore mon cherie

5/27/2005 01:05:00 AM
Thursday.... My unofficial slack day.. Wanted to go back home to catch CHASE but stewpit AI4 had to annouce the winner today so it was postponed to next week.. SAdz.
As today's title is out of the blue outing, you must be wondering why right? Well, was on my way to somerset mrt when I remembered I need to transfer $50 to big ant for the business competition registration. thus I spent some time loitering while waiting for his account number to be sms to me. It took ages.. until it also struck me that I owe Claire money for marv's present so I gave her a call and coincidentally she is in town with marv, which I wen down to meet them. This lead to shopping and KTV with them.. Totally out of nowhere came the outing right...? Anyway, it was fun as I wanted to go KTV (was actually discussing with Jess on the possibility of arranging something like that the night before) but somehow after the whole outing, the immense outflow of cash and faitgue just hit me and it made me really guilty.. sianz.. think i will have to start saving again and not go out as often as it is rather energy sapping.

Meals for thursday:
Cereal as usual for breakfast
Fish slices with Mee sua (lunch)
Shrooms burger meal for dinner

Zero but it is okay cuz it is thursday.. lalalaa~!~!

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, May 26, 2005 ;
5/26/2005 11:15:00 AM
Hmm.. it was rather a packed day for me on wednesday evenin cuz I had to rush to a couple of places. Had to manage soccer, passing the car to my dad to send my aunt to the doctor and catching Monster-in-law with jess, stella and arthur. Had to miss 40 min of the movie in the end.. But had fun hangin out with Jess afterwards, went to get some food, selegie 'tou hua' for her mum and my family.. That's about it...

Meal for wednesday:
Fried Bee Hoon and a bowl of cereal for breakfast
Vegetable rice for lunch
Minced pork noodles for dinner (it was at twelve lor!!)

Current mood: tired and lack of sleep as usual

J'amore mon cherie

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 ;
5/25/2005 05:30:00 PM

Raito in DeathNote

DeathNote is an manga that currently has 6 volumes out under the publisher Dong li. It is basically about a reaper who drops this notebook in the human world. Whoever's name is written in the note book will die of a heart attack. Besides heart attack, the victim can die specifically to what is described by the owner of the notebook. In the story, this notebook is picked up by a brilliant student, Raito, and with this new found power he decides he is going to make the world a better place, and remove the scum from the world.
Certain restrictions, and privilleges come with this DeathNotebook which will be revealed if you buy the book. One of them is that the owner of the book will be able to see the reaper that dropped the notebook in the first place.
As Raito excutes his plan, it causes a commotion around the world as criminals died of heart attacks etc. without any reason. This lead to the introduction of "L", a world renowned investigator. The current plot revolves around a battle of wits between Raito and "L" to uncover each others' identity. That's roughly a brief summary of the plot.
Here's a site that would be about to give you a better idea of the DeathNote


J'amore mon cherie

5/25/2005 09:30:00 AM
Hmmm.. nothing much happened yesterday. It was just the usual work @ starhub, before heading home, went for a jog around the estate, Frozen throne, tv and sleep... ZZzzzz

Meals yesterday includes:
Cereal w Milk (Breakfast)
A plate of skinless chicken rice (Lunch) A bowl of minced meat noodles (Dinner)
Pieces of 'paper' vegetables (Dessert for Dinner)

1/2 hour of light jogging

till tomorrow

J'amore mon cherie

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 ;
5/24/2005 08:44:00 AM
Damn.. holidays and long weekends and birthday parties and late supper gatherings... they are killers to any form of diet... Anyway, few weeks back during my exams, I was tipping the scales at 74kg. so I told myself i would exercise and follow a proper diet and follow I did.. managed to cut down by 3kg over the 3 healthy week.. Alas. all good things have to come to an end, I binge on food again.. arhghhghhhh... and now I am back to square one.. Sad.. So from today onwards, it will have to be a stringent 2 months for me to see if there is any result... hope to lose at least 8kg if possible.. And since I have wrote it here, I am more or less under some form of obligation to myself.. And in order to follow what I eat and exercise, they shall be input here ... so hope anybody who read this, will not be alarmed by the amount I eat..

Recap of the food I consume for the past 4 days:
- 4 to 5 Mini Cornettos
- 2 Vanillia ice cream with lime coating
- a plate of Chicken MacNuggets
- 1 bowl Laksa
- 3/4 of a large Pepperoni N Beef Pizza
- 1/2 of a Herbal Chicken from JB
- 2 bowls of Stewed Chicken with rice
- Bowls of Kellogg's Frosties Cereal with milk (My Standard Breakfast)
- 2 plates of homemade pasta
- a plate of mixed/vegetable rice
- a bottle of rum breezer
- 1/2 pale of 'wu xiang'
- a packet of chicken rice
- a packet of fried kway teow
- pieces of papa dum
- bowls of watermelon slices
- 2 egg prata and 1 cheese prata
- 2 cups of 'teh peng'
That's all I can remember with some stuff that I might have left out. Amazing how much one can eat huh..?

Exercises I did in the past four days to burn these food away:
- 3 hours of soccer
- 2 hours of pool
- 1 hour of gym
- 1/2 hour of swimming
- 1/2 of yogilates stretching
How is this amount of exercise possible to burn off the amount of calories that I consume..?

Anyway, no more procrastination... the diet starts today...!!!

J'amore mon cherie

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 ;
5/18/2005 01:42:00 PM
Hey.. back at the office after lunch.. just manage to find out where I am able to listen to the newest chinese songs online..It is called SouTing.... just felt that I should share with you guys if you do not know about it.. haha..
Well, if you want to find lyrics, you should go search it for yourself because that is quite easy and normally it is uploaded online for free... Yep.. that's all I have for you today 'cuz i need to get back to my troubleshooting...

See Ya..~!

J'amore mon cherie

Friday, May 13, 2005 ;
5/13/2005 11:09:00 AM
YAy!! Exams finally ended.. bought and rented a couple of vcds to bum around at home yesterday but couldn't even last half a vcd when i dozed off watchin it... Really tired.. finally could catch some lost sleep from the exams..
BUt... NOOOOooo...!! I just have to be harshly awaken from Lala land and brought back to reality by my mum. Damn.. but no choice, dad's back and as his only son who drives, I've got to pick him up.. spend a couple of hours corpse walkin as he had to wait for his friend at the terminal.. by the time we got home.. I couldn't get back to sleep...Sianzz..
so back to the VCDs again and this time round i managed to finish 2 movies before dozing off again.. think i slept at 1am and clearly i forgotton there is work today.. until my mum drag me out of bed reminding me that i have work... Double damn.. that's twice in a row.. i got my sleep interrupted... sheesh..
guess i've got no choice. Anyway, holidays have begun so must my plans for my holidays... got to get back in shape for IPPT!! study revision for next sem to prevent myself from the need to catch up at the end of the sem!!! learn new things during the hols!!
Seems like a lot of things to accomplish hor... hope i dun get the " 3 minute temperature " syndrome again... SIgh...
okay that's about it..

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, May 12, 2005 ;
5/12/2005 03:39:00 AM
Yep.. that's what Sab said. guess that's true bah... She is seldom wrong when it comes to analysing me. Was really pissed with the group, but i dunno why. Told her about it when I sent her home.. All my frustrations erupted like a volcano and it was.. honestly... shiok.. never felt better than that moment for the past 2 days.. however, after talking to Sab, it boiled down from me being egoistic, emotional, and having a small 'du liang'. I guess my world revolve a lot around myself.. and because I am often in my own world and I am proud of that world, and when things or people don't appreciate my world and throws it into one corner, it rocks my world and i get hurt indirectly... but then that's me being emotional and egoistic.. (that's what my analyst said.. haha)...
And as usual, I feel that she hit the nail ont head again. So I am really sorry about it.. would actually apologise but then everybody seem to have no taken that to heart so I will just keep it to myself. However, by any sheer chance they stumble onto my blog.. All i can say is,"Paiseh leh.. Sorry about the 'face'."

*ponders*KEV.. you better wake up your idea and grow up..*ponders*

think i better go and finish up my DPP part.. hope it goes well tmr..

*by the way, sab, if you see this, thanks for the wake up call (double meaning).*

J'amore mon cherie

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 ;
5/11/2005 04:21:00 AM
Was quite pissed about the DPP project... emotional Ego-maniac me felt so left out from the group. Apparently when I am unhappy or happy, it is shown on my face even though i said there is nothing wrong with me...
anyway, left for NTU right after the discussion, hoping to let off some steam play bball but it was raining so ended going out for dinner with the guys before coming back for MJ at the hostel... Man was I unlucky... never managed to game a big one and by the end of the first round i think I almost lost $20 out of the $25 i had...Damn... wanted to leave to go back to do the Individual reflections... but hey, I pissed with the group and that i lost so much money from just one game.... recouping my losses was the 1st on my mind...
so stayed and play my second game.. this time round it was a different game altogether... what i want, i had even if i didn't want, the tiles just keep coming in.. it was incredible but then again maybe it was the beer that we opened that was being gulped down by me that did the trick.... whatever the case, YEs... I managed to recoup my losses and won $10 at the end of the day ... thanks guys.. you made my day much better... =)

J'amore mon cherie

Monday, May 09, 2005 ;
5/09/2005 05:23:00 PM
Phew.. most of the exams finally over.. Ya i know I have not blog for a month already.. well it is exams right.. I've got to concentrate... (actually I'm just lazy, i Found time to watch tv and play FIfa 2005... DUH!!)

Haha.. just to update this month of absence.. well I've been trying hard to study, which i did but not hard enough, sign up for a french basic class and a yogalatis course from TPY CC.. which is going to start in June and in one hour's time respectively... wonder what it is like.. hmm.. what else did i do? OH yah, I signed up for a UOB campus card and a UOB mini debit card.. which was quite idiotic of me but hey it was not entirely my fault, just that the stewpit UOB staff over at orchard rd were to lazy and told me that they dun allow SIM students to apply for the campus card... BullShit lor... somemore told me to apply the uob Mini which was nice but unnecessary for me at the moment.. but never mind, thanks to my dear neighbourhood UOB bank who was actually diligent enough to process and told me what Orchard rd UOb said was a pack of lies and also for Meng, who already has the CAMPUS card and is a SIM student, to prove that it was possible...

well think I will continue somemore on a later date.. need to reach off for class and send my mum to the Bank again. LAst minute as usual.. called her an hour to ask her if she need me to do anything for the day. she said No.. And again she does her "hey, can u do this for me?" at the very last minute... but what the heck.. she's my mum. somemore it was mother's day yesterday.. din celebrate for her cuz i was sick with a slight fever and headache... so driving her around should atone my sins. i hope..

J'amore mon cherie

the one and only ;
je suis kevin.
vingt-cinq, 270782
Aspiring millionaire
Montfortian, Marist, SRJCian, 46SAR, SIM, RMIT
Singtel, Haagen Daz,Starhub, IBM

Chill out take things easy;
Set your objectives and strive towards it
To all the wonderful things in life

tagboard ;

Favorites ;
Island to yourself
Real Radib

kudos to my friends;
Marvelle| Wagging Tongues
Fred&ChingYan| Fred and Chingz in the States

so yesterdays ;
January 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
March 2006
May 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007