Thursday, March 31, 2005 ;
3/31/2005 01:17:00 PM
Hmmm.. even though I recollect that I did pass my blog url to a number of people but most of them dun really give two hoots about it, i guess. If not, I am quite sure they dun give 2 hoots about me.... HAHaha..

Well, I'm actually quite fine with it. Think I've been thrown out in the cold too often that I am used to it liao.. Anyway, I've been recently been introduced to MrBrown and Xiaxue and I can understand why they are one of the most or the MOST viewed blogs in the asia region and maybe even the whole world because their lives are so 'interesting' with so many things happening now and then. But then again, it may be also that they are very good writers or very opinionated (if there is such a word) about how they look at things... whatever the case is, enjoy my time reading their blogs...(However, I must state that they are expressing on a different platform altogether)..Oh ya, regarding the fact that my blog is being neglected by my mates I learnt that I can do a few things to achieve results.

Quote from feline in mrBrown :

4) The more you write about how you’re such a pathetic shit, the more comments you’ll get telling you you’re not a pathetic shit, which is a lie really, because the readers gleefully absorb every detail about how you’re a pathetic shit, but are obliged to tell you how much of a pathetic shit you aren’t.
5) If you really want an influx of comments, do write about someone outraging your modesty. Confirm chop stamp you’ll have shitloads of comments and other bloggers linking that entry and writing their own views about it and discussing every damn detail from every angle and aspect. Remember to add the fact that you’ll soon be heading to the police station to make it more convincing


Ya, i know that it will definitely work but I dun think i have reach such a pathetic stage yet. So I am quite contented with just blogging as and when I feel like blogging.. +P haha..

Anyway, think I spent enough time blogging already (actually got hooked on to other people's blogs while applying the links), must rush back to my readings for my OSD project..+P

J'amore mon cherie

Sunday, March 27, 2005 ;
3/27/2005 05:06:00 AM
Guess i've stop blogging for some time because a new thing has just pop into my life.. That's FIFA 2005. I just can't stop playing... STewpit 15 seasons.. I am only at Season 2.. just got promoted from e English division 2... BUt think I will be stopping cuz it is not going to get me anywhere...

WEll, I've said that I was on a mission to get fit right.. but guess I've not been sticking to it recently as I've been hit by a wave of insomnia which you can see why I am still up @ this hour... just can't seem to get to sleep... ANyway, met up with fred and chinyan to watch eye ten and it was pretty much a waste of our money cuz it cost me $8.50 to watch a movie I had little interest in and it had really live up to my expectations.. seriously it is only worth $4. If those who haven't catch it yet pls just catch it on a monday or tuesday when it is much cheaper.. It is seriously much better to watch Miss Congenality 2 which I didn't expect it to be that good but it had exceeded my actual expectation of it... but then again it maybe because of the company i was with (Sab and Lu.) mUahahahha~!

Heard about the sour relationship between LZY and fred, WHat's wrong guys? hope you guys can cool down and settle your differences soon.. i think it is seriously a small matter... I think both of you guys are meshing all your problems into one big problem thus this matter sort of blown out of proportion...anything just give me a call ya? I'm always free to provide a listening ear...

Also heard about the death of yongjun's dad from LZY, actually drove down just now but he was asleep already when we reached, think i willa trip down later again. My condolences...

OH yah, MArv, are you alright? You know you can always give me a call if you really need to talk k? Hopefully those resolutions you said makes you feel better ya...

Fred, heard about your family probs... I know I won't be of any help but if you need some camaraderie, you can always come look for me man.. Really..

Think there are a few more people that I've left out but I forgot already. Well, I'm sorry if i'm not there for you as a friend. Anyway, feel free to look me up ya? I will always make time for my friends even though I may seem bz most of the time.


p/s: I've been getting insomnia for the past few nights which explains the hours I am publishin my post. Any advice?

J'amore mon cherie

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 ;
3/22/2005 03:04:00 PM
I finally understand why people never keep to their resolutions for the year, it is because they either forget about it or just too lazy to carry it out. I think I am definitely forgetful, only sometimes lazy...

I would have plain forgotton that I made resolutions if not for Jess reminding me about it... shucks...

Current new year resolutions:
1. I will not loan money esp big amounts
2. I must pass my IPPT this year preferably GOLD.

Think i will add on but i need to think about it first... I am not sure if I am able to achieve them yet...

J'amore mon cherie

Monday, March 21, 2005 ;
3/21/2005 11:18:00 AM
I'm sorry for being foul mouthed, I'm sorry for being sarcastic, I'm sorry for being mean, I'm sorry for making people irritated, I'm sorry for everything evil that I've said and done. But I just can't help it.. I just keep shooting stuff out trying to expreses my opinion or am I just looking for attention?

Well I will try to change, I am trying to change. HOpefully.

J'amore mon cherie

Saturday, March 19, 2005 ;
3/19/2005 11:54:00 AM
Woke up @ 3pm, had my lunch before surfin the Net to find out how to write up on that stewpit culture thingy on OSD.. I really dun get it.. anybody have any idea how culture influences structure esp a machine bureaucratic one? surf for 2 hours and still not making any headway when I gave up and start playing FIFA 2005 while waiting for my dad's car..

Upon the car's arrival, I rushed off and changed into some decent clothings before going off to pick up Stella and usual, I was lost in Seng Kang again for the umpteenth time.. that place is a maze... we reached Conrad around 8.30pm which was okay for me as I was late and there was a jam in town due to the NATAS fair I guess (actually Jess's guess)

Everywhere was packed today, dunno why , as we headed off to Baker's Inn(Mellinia Walk). We got ourselves a seat petty quickly where the girls decided to order cakes for dinner while I pondered over my main course...After some serious considerations, I decided to go with a apple strudel as well as a spagetti bolognase when peifen and her bf, edwin, arrived.... It was so nice to see her.. haven't see her for almost a year.. she looked rather worn out but still doing fine, apart from the fact that she is damn hungry so she was rather cranky... Besides that, I finally got to meet edwin whom I have heard a lot about from her blog... and my conclusion was that he is real nice chap (Actually i dun think i can say that cuz he is 12 yrs my senior), funny and nice to chat with, don't really feel any distance or age gap... haha.. maybe as what stella said because he doesn't act his age..

Well, as we chow through our meal, we just sort of updated each other about ourselves, and it was rather interesting with peifen switching jobs to the EDB and that edwin and her might be getting married next year, stella having a headache over her wedding plans as well and jess, being pretty tired from her flight, talking about getting a new career once her bond is up with SIA and lecturing me about loaning my money and that it's time for me to get a gf.... All these brought me back a lot of nice memories where we are still in the junior college, time really flies, a while ago, it was orientation in SRJC and now 2 of them are getting married and all three are happily with their partners and are working.. and quite successful too according to my standards... Guess I will need to grow up now and start to be a bit more mature in my thinking.. I don't want to be left behind....

This reunion ended when everybody started to yawn as everybody was tired either from work or night cycling and we decided to leave with a quick photo taking session (hope peifen remembers to send me the photos...) before we went out seperate ways. peifen and bf in her BMW s40 turbo while jess and stella will have to settle for my dad's toyota wish... =P

As I felt that i wanted to be the filial son, I drove to selegie to take away some beancurd for my parents. I knew Sab's family love eating the selegie beancurd so I decided to ask her if she wanted any but too bad she was too slow in her response, I already bought my share and left when she msg me... so sorry.. next time k? Drove Jess and stella home before heading home to type this entry... Was a rather fruitful day except for being unable to finish my culture report....

Good luck to you gals... I will work hard.. hope to see you gals soon..

J'amore mon cherie

Friday, March 18, 2005 ;
3/18/2005 08:27:00 AM
Woke up @ 8am yesterday and left for work.. however, today's a bit different, there was a sense of urgency because there was really a timeline that I need to meet to complete my testing as the launch date for the drm is next week... Spent the entire day until 6pm rushin through them and only managed to locate and test 27 phones out of the possible 40 that I've listed... Din really give a hoot about it cuz it was the best I could, however the stewpit thing is that I will have to test these number of phones again in order to ensure that this new service works... And this is suppose to be the new era with advanced technology... Oh ya... while I go thru my testing, I fonud out that there are ppl who actually read my blog... interesting.. I always had that impression that even though I give out my url to people, they wouldn't bother about me cuz they aren't interested... (Thanks for reading. really appreciate it!)

Besides rushing through the testing, the sense of urgency was also due to the excitement that I'm having for the night cycling @ 11pm.. so I happily packed up my stuff @ 6pm sharp and rushed off home to meet Stella for dinner. She picked me up and ended up @ CHomp CHomp...Coincidentally, I happened to meet Ding there.. such a small world.. seeing him reminds me of BMT siah... HAven't seen anyone of them since leaving army.. so sad... furthremore, it also reminds me that I haven't been watching my diet for the past 2 years esp this few days as well.. (I had chwee kuay, fried carrot cake (shared), sugar cane juice (shared) and dumplings noodles @ chomp Chomp)..

After dinner, Stella dropped me off at a convenient bus stop where there was 135 cuz she doesn't really know her way around... This proceeded with me being early at the meeting pt for night cycling and since I was early and just got my pay, I spurged my money @ Mc cafe with a mango frappa and some more @ the arcade and bowling alley @ East coast..

Time passed slowly and finally reached 11pm where sight of my fellow cyclists slowly emerged (THEY WERE BLOODY LATE LOR !!! suppose to meet @ 10.30), however guess it was the first time for some including me.. everybody was very enthusiastic and we just paid for our bikes, kept off our stuff and off we go....

The route began from East Coast to Tanah Merah to Changi Village where we ate again (THis time I had Nasi lemak and sugar cane juice) before we carried on passed the old Changi hospital, passed Pasir Ris to tampines before turning for Simei. After Simei, we carried to bedok before turning to siglap where we stopped over for food but this time round everybody was too tired and just had drinks only (I had teh 'peng'..). After which, we proceed to VJC before crossing ECP to reach east coast, however I guess some of us still had the energy so we got everybody to cycle to the other end of East coast which was mountbatten/fort rd before heading to one of the jetty @ East coast... Although it was a bruising trip for my butt, but it was really enjoyable. (apart from having to cycle with the lousy $8 bike because the $10 one ran out already) I wouldn't mind doing something like this again once i recover from my bruises... haha

However the night din just end there as we returned our bikes, washed up and went to have breakfast..yes i know food again.. (I had a Hotcakes value meal and a sausage macmuffin..) before going to watch sunrise... the whole event ended with everybody dragging their tired bodies home to catch some sleep (thank god WX came down to give us a ride if not I would not have gotten home so early to write this our..) =P

GOod nightz...ZZZzzzzz

J'amore mon cherie

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 ;
3/15/2005 04:43:00 PM
Listening to damien rice's Blower's daughter makes me think a lot about the past.. Sigh.. How I wish I was able to turn back time and do those things that I failed to accomplish..

The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice
And so it is
just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
most of the time

And so it is the shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is
just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time

And so it is the colder water
The Blower's Daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
my mind...
'Til I find somebody new

J'amore mon cherie

Sunday, March 13, 2005 ;
3/13/2005 11:42:00 PM
DIdn't managed to go for soccer this morning. Guess it had been the consecutive late nights, weak old me had sore eyes and I was able to open my eyes and my lethargic body ain't helping me....applied some eye mo and knocked out until 6pm... Super dazed I decided to binge on the food available in my house while surfing the net. THis lasted for the past 5 hours and now I am Damn shacked and full from eating snacks in my house, no wonder I am unable to slim down.

Even though I've been surfing for the past few hours, my eyes are getting better already after applying medication this morning. However, I am damn tired, there is no way I am able to find anything on NTUC's culture. HOw am I able to hand in my work tomorrow? SHitz.. ask help from sab, she told me ask XAn and went offline. I asked XAn, she told me she din do anything on that part.. whoopie do.. so what am i suppose to do? Never mind.. I will go find it. Anyway, it is my assigned part. Think I am going to be nagged with my undone part tomorrow.. Darnz.

Back to surfin......

J'amore mon cherie

3/13/2005 06:02:00 AM
AFter the mcq test, I guess I've decided to let go and have some fun.. thus for the past 2 days, I haven't been home till 5am in the morning.. Went out on friday, met WX, geraldine and bryan.. joined by Sab, wileen and Dorothy much later... Went to drink @ Paulaner's which was rather fun because I have not been out with some of them for sometime liao...Really enjoyed myself... how i wished these days are more often....

Anyway, this is followed by an early morning to meet in sch to do OSD prep.. which I din prepare... the guys were late but it din matter... did DELEGATION again and then off we went to class... saw this weirdo outside class during break time... that kept staring at me... Dun think I know him. but he is so irritating to follow me around for like 15min... crazy bugger..

Hmmm.. let's see what proceeded after that... oh ya... rush back home, SH and his gf came by to pick me to go out and meet LZy and Zack, Fred and Jackson couldn't make it ... think they had better things to do... Anyway, we proceeded to SAFRA yishun, had dinner and went off to bowl. DAmn I really suck @ it.. I din even managed to reach 120... highest i had was 115... got to take time off to improve on my score.. as Zack is going off to watc soccer.. the four remaining of us decided to proceed to Shijie's place (SH's gf) for MJ... played until 5am.. lost money and still have to be the last one home cuz I drove my car down as well... sianz... This only mounts up the amount of money I owe others (42+50+20)... Sometimes I really wonder how does people maintain their lifestyle where money emptys itself from our pockets so quickly...



NEed to get some sleep still go soccer later at 8.30am...

J'amore mon cherie

Friday, March 11, 2005 ;
3/11/2005 08:43:00 PM
Well... spent the whole night of yesterday reading up and preparing for my investment mcq test... it was really tiring and enriching... managed to catch up with Dawn and Yiwen online as well while I was studying... Had fun viewing Wenz and her expression on the webcam.... kinda of interesting at times when you are bored... BUt thanks to Dawn and her, I've decided to go buy one as well... hopefully there is spare money this month from my pay.....lalala

Enough of yesterday.... When for the P&M 'B' Class, notice a two interesting things.... Number one, they have more girls than guys. think the ratio is 3:1... Not fair... think my class only has like the most 2:1...with most of the girls not in class...Number two, I agree SIM girls are pretty but i din expect there are a couple of babes in 'B' class but then again, they are the well packaged type...E.g there is this not bad looking girl that i notice in 'B' class, she normally does not wear glasses but today i guess she ran out of lenses and my god... her lenses are like 3 times of my lenses.... WeLL, seeing that I agree with what ZY said about there are actually not much pretty girls around just that cosmetics, contact lenses and hair rebonding managed to change that fact in Singapore... kudos to the people who invented them.. girls should really thank them...(I know I know.. a ugly guy like me ain;t fit to make such a comment but it is the truth. =P )

For the rest of the day, I had lunch with Xan and Sab before cooping myself in the library for my preparation before Lina, Kevin, Alan and WX joined me in the late afternoon.. As it drew nearer to the test, the studying group started to grow...there was Meng, Jem, Marcus, WX, Lina, Kevin, Alan and me.... haha.. amazing test can help build cohesiveness cuz studying together helps to cover more stuff....haha...

Anyway, this stewpit mcq is one of the toughest I had for the past 4 semesters... kudos again to Mr Mok for not helping... if I am lucky, currently I only managed 3 wrongs out of 15 which is still a HD.. hopefully no more mistakes like not rounding off 0.10994 to 0.11 because they are the same thing...arghh stewpit me!! Think must work hard on the project and final exam to be able to score this time round....sianz...

However all is not lost today because guess what... after 4 semester, I finally managed to have a decent conversation with her.. even though it is just over mcq questions, I am contented.. I dun care if the guys think what I am doing is quite loser... can't help it... She is the first person that i Bio when I come SIM... if i dun get to know her before I leave.. i Think i will be the ultimate loser lor... lalala

Well.. guess tday end off quite well... just need to start preparing for tmr's osd ... things should be fine...*ponders*
*still wondering if should go out*

J'amore mon cherie

Thursday, March 10, 2005 ;
3/10/2005 01:35:00 PM
Came back from soccer real shacked yesterday (did i mentioned that we won 2-1? Muahaha.. I scored one of them..)... my whole body is burning the whole night... Was bz revising my investment.. still stuck at Chapter 3 with the theory on CAPM and SML and the stewpit characteristic line....think i will have to work on it when I sneaked off early from work...

Anyway, had an interesting conversation with Sab on MSN yesterday or should i say this morning... really boosted my confidence for a while talking to her... made me felt that there is still some things that i should look forward to and stop succumbing to myself... Will try hard...

That was yesterday... Today, it was work @ 9am again and lunch at 12.30pm... however there are some things rather interesting to talk about... Was chit chatting with my colleagues about russell peters and his jokes about the south african casino that he visited when the issue about Singapore building a casino came about.. good or bad? Well.. I am against it despite the economic returns that we might be getting as I feel that it will just cause more societal problems and more sucide cases like the one we heard on the news.... I mean having the bayside cove with more water activities to attract tourists would be good enough, why the need to build a casino? I don't believe anything that I've learn about increasing economic revenue and tourist visitation via building a casino.. I am strongly against it. Anybody will have to convince me with hard facts to support it...

This discussion lead to a massive arguement between a colleague and me. As I have stated that the societal problems that might occur, she even though stating that she is sitting on the hedge, rebutted me about the economic effects about the casino might have on singapore, that singaporeans are too protected and people who talk against the policies and decision made by the the government only do the talk but don't do the walk... This really pissed me off cuz whatever reasons she is putting up are so lame!!! She can say she is not taking sides but she is rebutting me... if she is not taking sides, she shouldn't have any opinion about having or not having a casino in the first place... and she happily can give examples that singapore should follow macau and holland's foot steps... for starters, macau ain't like singapore, pace of life are completely different, Singapore's GDP does not stem from gambling.... holland's crime rate and law are also different from singapore so where is the sense in talking about holland's coffee shop having drugs there... For goodness sake and for argument sake, a 30 yr like her should have better sense.... I mean she is so stubborn and full of bull!!! really can't stand her telling me,"You should learn more about economic policies and travel around the world." Maybe You are right, I haven't seen much of the world to make a comment but you too...

*takes in a deep breath*

THink I feel much better already.... GOing back to my work....

J'amore mon cherie

Wednesday, March 09, 2005 ;
3/09/2005 07:17:00 PM
Yeah.. I hope that it was going to be a better day.. but guess it was not meant to be.. had DPP discussion in the canteen, maybe it is because of the environment we were in or maybe it is just that I do not like to be pulled back when we are suppose to meet to move forward in our discussion or maybe it is just me being pek chek about myself, me and I.

Well.. I actually raised my voice at Jeremy when he was actually raising an issue that was quite important and is quite cautious of him to think of such a point... but I think I am just indignant about being accused of using my own conclusions instead of facts gathered from the interviews to state my point. Anyway, no hard feelings I hope... Whatever the case was, Jeremy was seem quite cool over the issue and that I had actually called my cousin to clarify.. so case closed..

However, I do feel that our group projects, may it be DPP or OSD or Investment, we should be more proactive about it, i mean there should always be somebody willing to take the lead and not put each other down. Furthermore, even though there is a thing called the leader but for people like me who makes a poor leader, I am most willing to relinquish it and let someone take up the role during group discussions cuz seriously I am just plain lazy to haggle or usher people to get things done... I am a typical kan cheong spider when there are date lines to meet....too extreme to be a leader, let alone a good one... so you guys reading this.. please 'Liang jie'..

Anyway, after the discussion, it was P&M... finally managed to understand what the heck is Long run for Perfect competition but then 'Ting' just had to pop out with SR and LR for monopoly... thanks huh... couldn't make head or tail out of it... once class ended, I rushed off class with cilia... dunno why i did that but partly because i was talking to her, I couldn't just break off like that..

Rushed home and now getting ready for my soccer match later.. hope we win...

J'amore mon cherie

3/09/2005 09:32:00 AM
Anyway, yesterday was just a plain normal day.. waking up @ 8am.. going to work..had lunch @ 12.30am... knocking off @ 6.30pm.. going home to revise for investment test.. covered 2 chapters but it made no sense to me from the notes... was tired.. knocked out @ 11pm..and waking up this morning @ 8am again.. Now in the office charging phones because I forgot to charge them yesterday night.... Damn.. no work is getting done with the stewpit phones FLAT!! super not productive...arghh..

Hope today gets better as it goes along.....

J'amore mon cherie

Tuesday, March 08, 2005 ;
3/08/2005 09:22:00 AM
Was on the phone with lu @ 1am discussing the impression people had on me... noticed that after some many years after sec sch and JC... I still haven't shake off this 'CH' image of mine... it is that bad? It is really quite sad to have this image but I am not able to live up to the fact of knowing so many of them.. sigh...well... seriously, i wouldn't mind living up to people's expectations but you must also help me along by introducing my 'mei nu's to me right?... whatever...

"You want to command respect. It is not just about altitude but also your attitude." - Unknown

J'amore mon cherie

Monday, March 07, 2005 ;
3/07/2005 08:44:00 PM
Yeah, I did it again.. I did not go and run in the morning @ 6am. Decided that I am too lazy. but i did get up at 6.30 to wash up and head out with Derrick and Dad. Waking up so early really makes me feel much better even though my eyes are swollen as usual.. traffic was irritating as usual and i reached school at 8.30am... SO since I am early, I decided to have my breakfast @ the canteen... had 2 eggs, 2 slices of bread and 'teh'... It was SHIOK!! haha.. talk about going on a diet... sianz..
Woofing down the food... I found that i had some time so I went over to the library to do some shopping.... I know I know... I am also amazed myself... HAha..Well borrowed a few books and read the today's papers.. Actually found out that "the business times" is also like a tabloid just that it runs on business issues. For example, it showed the ex-CEO of CITIRAYA selling off his Bungalow and speculate on how he managed to own 5 BMWs and a lambourgini and how he is currently being investigated by the commercial crime department.... tsk tsk...

ANyway, after that I wen straight for class... boring as usual but i had fun irritating Xan over OSD stuff... llalala.. Stayed back for OSD meeting and delegate the jobs we need to do..sigh... had to finish up the research by sat and discuss on monday..boring again... and since most of the DPP group members were there, we decided to brief Sab on the new scope for DPP but apparently, Sab and I don't seem to have the same frequency today and we sort of begin to bicker over it. It was a no hard feelings kind of bicker but i am very sure one of my veins were about to burst from the argument we had... whatever lar hor..

eh, went to the library again this time to return RCC book... kenna fined $3.50 which was idiotic and I was quite indignant about it that i keep complaining to the librarian cuz it was just 2 hours overdue... can't they just strike it off... blood suckers!!!

Thankfully, the day ended quite well with ant, meng, jem and me going to play pool, the team of ant and me managed to win by default over meng and jem which saved me from paying as I'm broke and got a ride to TPY from Jem and had a free meal as my aunt brought me out for dinner...lalala...

well going to for a quick run now.. I mean it .. honest and then will have to start my revision and my financials for my cafe... late night again.. shit...

J'amore mon cherie

3/07/2005 01:14:00 AM
Woah.... swollen eyes again. Woke up @ 9am... grab my dad's car keys and rush over to geylang bahru for my soccer game... With my head spinning from the lack of sleep ( I need 10 hours of sleep by the way), I lost my way there.. Inevitably, i tot i Was going to be lectured by ZY on being late but apparently he was lenient today however, i got 'suaned' by auggie and robin that i could lose my way and i still dare to wear my armour scout tee-shirt.. Played about 45min when it began to rain.. Damn.. there goes another morning where i cannot eat a hearty breakfast @ the geylang bahru wet market without guilt... sianz..

Reach home aroun 11am, quickly bathed and began typing the investment MCQ questions for the guys and knock out once it was done... woke up at 6pm cuz Dad's coming back tonight.. nEed to pick him up.. but flight was delayed.... when into light sleeping mode until 7.30pm, had dinner, check the flight again.. this time was 10.40pm... decided to watch 'Ru Hua' getting humilated again, and rush off to pick Dad..

Again.. flight was delayed.. stewpit Thai Airways.. made me wait for another hour until 11.30pm when Dad finally emerged from belt 20 with his friend.. send his friend home and managed to reach home at 12.30pm...

It is going to min. sleep again cuz tmr i think i am going for a morning run @ 6am and hitch a ride from dad in sch.. wish me luck...

J'amore mon cherie

Sunday, March 06, 2005 ;
3/06/2005 04:41:00 AM
Told myself I was going to stop drinking alcohol for a month while i try to get my act together to work towards gaining back my fitness, guess my resolve crumbled when i decided to go down to Wala Wala..sigh.. It all started from the waiter being stunned that I ordered mango juice for myself and marvelle was having the hoegarden. Must have been a matter of 'face' or maybe because marv decide to treat my to one of beers (It was going @ one for one alcohols and beer) +P
Anyway, whatever the case, it was actually my first time up there @ Wala Wala and I am definitely not disappointed about it like I usually do when i go pubbing. Shirleen and her band ROCKS...! what a rock chick... the drummer and the lead guitarist was great, esp the guitarist, he reminds me of santana with his solos... the only downside was the bassist, just plain mellow.
OVerall, the Unexpected (the band's name) was great and i think i will be going down Wala wala often.. Haha..

Oh ya.. being such a great night, it was marred with some unnecessary emotions from the girls that went... guess they decided to let go.. but guess it was okay cuz it should be straighten out the next morning when they expel the alochol and sort out their thinking instead of being influenced by the atmoshere they were in..

J'amore mon cherie

Saturday, March 05, 2005 ;
3/05/2005 12:15:00 PM
Guess people are just plain silly when they tend to procrastinate and try to feel sorry for themselves. I'm one of them. The only difference is that I'm far worse. It seems to me when I am down, the whole world just sucks and being "in my own world", my problems seems to be the biggest and suckiest thing that would have happened. WEll, what 's more amazing than this, is that i never really realised this until I consolidate what has happened to my friends for the past months...things just sort of hit me....

What the heck I am doing!! I mean there are my friends or aquaintances who I guess are facing more shit than I will face in a year and here I am always worrying about my work, studies, finance and love life which everybody faces everyday...

Examples of shit,
1) Being screwed up and brought on a emotional roller coaster ride by a bitch, who's by many people's standard ain't pretty, acts cute and worst of all, have such a rotten character. I mean my impression of most girls are that they live by the rule of romance and intimacy and 'I love you's are meant when they are serious about the r/s. Well, for this slut mentioned above, she just thrives upon getting this chance of enjoying private intimacy and cheating guys. I mean if you are intending to be frivolous about it, just be straightforward and truthful, I'm quite sure any guy would not mind and not to say the least the other 5 guys you took for a ride.

2) Things like being pregnant before even getting married (some of you out there might think it is just a small thing) but shit happens, and the kid comes out to the real world pre mature... what will you do? life's harsh at times.... (p/s: Dun give up ya... Be Strong.. things will turn out alright.)

and many more.....

On a contradictory point of view, I mean these things to some are just minute stuff as they might even have problems living a normal life or have to work their ass off to make ends meet. Well kudos to them for being able to make a fruitful or meaningful life if they are able to stand up and face reality.

However, in my case, lacking this kind of determination and optimism, I allowed myself to sink. In comparison, my problems are a 1 to 2 on the richter scale, whereas their problems are at least a5 to start with...

But thanks to them.. I have managed to take my first step and step out. There is no point being pitful of yourself and should always look on the bright side and move on. Life doesn't stop there unless you want it to which would be terribly strong.

WEll, be strong and move on. Things are full of ups and downs. If you are down, you just have to stay positive because it will definitely go up.

J'amore mon cherie

the one and only ;
je suis kevin.
vingt-cinq, 270782
Aspiring millionaire
Montfortian, Marist, SRJCian, 46SAR, SIM, RMIT
Singtel, Haagen Daz,Starhub, IBM

Chill out take things easy;
Set your objectives and strive towards it
To all the wonderful things in life

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Fred&ChingYan| Fred and Chingz in the States

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